Sending payment reminders

Payment reminders can be sent for any overdue invoices. 

An overdue invoice is one that:

  1. Has been marked as sent
  2. The invoice due date is in the past

Sending a payment reminder

To send a payment reminder for an overdue invoice:

  1. View the invoice
  2. Click the blue ‘Payment reminder‘ button on the right-hand side
  3. This will display the payment reminder email window. Enter:
    • Customer email address – if you’ve already emailed the customer, this address will be already be present here. Add (or change) the email addresses you want to send this payment reminder to.
    • Subject – update the subject as required (optional).
    • Message – update the message as required (optional).
    • Attachments – the overdue invoice is automatically attached to the email.
  4. Click ‘Send reminder‘ when you’re ready

The payment reminder will be sent to your customer, and the invoice activity will be updated to note this payment reminder was sent.

You can send as many payment reminders for each invoice as you require.

Customising payment reminder messages

Here’s how to change the email message that gets sent with each of your payment reminders:

  1. Visit Settings and select the ‘Email templates‘ section
  2. Click 'edit this template' for Overdue invoice reminder template 
  3. Update the email message as required
  4. When you are done, click ‘Save this template

Each payment reminder that you send from now on will use this message template.

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