View labour content per job

There are few of ways you can quickly view the labour content of your jobs.  Heres how.... 

Per quote 

  • Select your quote to view  
  • Click on Total in the summary line above the quote
  • Select labour to view the content of the job. You can print, export or download as a PDF by selecting the share button in the top right of your screen

Per job

  • Head to your job and 
  • Select the work details tab
  • Click on the labour heading to see the labour report for the whole job. This will include multiple quotes accepted against the job
  • Selecting share in the top right will allow you to print , export to CSV or download to PDF

Export a job report to CSV

If you are looking to see the labour content for multiple jobs then you export a job CSV for the required dates. 

To do this 

  • Head to your job tab
  • Select the abacus in the search bar and choose the required filters
  • Hit the three dots at the top of the page and export to CSV
  • Head over to your downloads file and open the CSV. This will automatically open in your preferred spreadsheet programme. An example of the spreadsheet can be seen below. 

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