Syncing invoices to Xero

Once you've  connected to Xero, we'll keep your invoices from YourTradebase in-sync with your Xero account.

Here's what we keep in-sync:

Created invoices are synced to Xero

New invoices you create in YourTradebase are automatically created in Xero for you. Here's what we send to Xero for your invoice:

  • Invoice number
  • Invoice reference
  • Invoice date
  • Due date
  • Customer name
  • Each invoice work item, including:
    • Work title
    • Tax rate
    • Total price
  • Sub total
  • Tax total
  • Total

So, this newly created invoice in YourTradebase:

... is sent and synced to Xero as:

Updated invoices are synced to Xero

When you update any invoice details in YourTradebase, those updates are automatically synced to Xero.

Deleted invoices are synced to Xero

When you delete an invoice in YourTradebase, we'll attempt to delete the invoice in Xero, too.

It's not always possible to delete an invoice from Xero - for example, Xero doesn't allow you to delete invoices that have already been sent or marked as paid, so we mark those invoices as VOIDED, instead.

Changed invoice statuses are synced to Xero 

Here's how status changes in YourTradebase are updated in Xero:

When you change FROM → TO in YourTradebase: We update in Xero to:

* When you mark an invoice as cancelled, it can't then be updated in the future. 

** When a SENT invoice is marked as DRAFT, any changes to that invoice is not synced to Xero until the invoice is again marked as SENT.

What happens when you revert a sent invoice to draft?

If you reset your sent invoice to draft within YourTradebase, then any changes you make aren't updated in Xero until it's re-marked as sent. So, make sure to mark your updated invoices as sent for those changes to show in Xero.

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